Root Canal in Battersea

How root canal treatment can save your teeth?
We are specialists in Root canal treatments where infected pulp is removed in order to avoid tooth extraction. Find out more details about the treatment here.


Root Canal Treatments in Battersea

Here at Mouth Dental, we pride ourselves on offering the very best in skilled dental professionals and cutting-edge technology to deliver the highest standard in oral health. Our clinics in Battersea and Canary Wharf treat thousands of patients and we come highly recommended from everyone who walks through our doors. If you’re experiencing tooth pain, then visit our skilled endodontists and get back on the road to oral health.

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What is a root canal treatment?

A root canal is necessary when the soft inside of a tooth known as the pulp, becomes inflamed, infected, or injured. By having a root canal, the tooth can be preserved. It involves the removal of the infected dental pulp, followed by filling in the empty space with a temporary filling. After some time to recover, the dentist will check that the treated tooth is healthy and replace the temporary filling with a permanent one, or a crown if requested.

Why do patients require a root canal treatment?

The pulp is made up of nerves, blood vessels and connective soft tissue that keep your teeth healthy. Sometimes, the bacteria inside your mouth are able to get inside your tooth, and this can cause an infection. Dental trauma, tooth decay, or leaky fillings can provide spaces for the bacteria to enter the tooth. If left untreated, an infected or damaged tooth can lead to severe pain, tooth loss, and in the worst cases if the infection is allowed to spread, bone loss or sepsis. For this reason, it is vital that you book an appointment as quickly as possible to save the tooth and prevent any more serious complications from arising.

How to determine if you need to do a root canal treatment?

If you experience any pain in your teeth when biting or chewing, when eating hot or cold food, or if any of your teeth are loose, you should book an appointment with your dentist immediately. You may also experience swelling or pain in the gums. Gum disease can compromise the soft tissue that supports the tooth and supplies blood flow and can spread if not treated. Affected teeth may appear discoloured. You may develop pus-filled swellings called dental abscesses if the infection spreads. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek out a dentist and they will take X-rays of your teeth to determine the extent of the infection and whether a root canal or extraction is required.


What is a root canal treatment?

A root canal is necessary when the soft inside of a tooth known as the pulp, becomes inflamed, infected, or injured. By having a root canal, the tooth can be preserved. It involves the removal of the infected dental pulp, followed by filling in the empty space with a temporary filling. After some time to recover, the dentist will check that the treated tooth is healthy and replace the temporary filling with a permanent one, or a crown if requested.

Why do patients require a root canal treatment?

The pulp is made up of nerves, blood vessels and connective soft tissue that keep your teeth healthy. Sometimes, the bacteria inside your mouth are able to get inside your tooth, and this can cause an infection. Dental trauma, tooth decay, or leaky fillings can provide spaces for the bacteria to enter the tooth. If left untreated, an infected or damaged tooth can lead to severe pain, tooth loss, and in the worst cases if the infection is allowed to spread, bone loss or sepsis. For this reason, it is vital that you book an appointment as quickly as possible to save the tooth and prevent any more serious complications from arising.

How to determine if you need to do a root canal treatment?

If you experience any pain in your teeth when biting or chewing, when eating hot or cold food, or if any of your teeth are loose, you should book an appointment with your dentist immediately. You may also experience swelling or pain in the gums. Gum disease can compromise the soft tissue that supports the tooth and supplies blood flow and can spread if not treated. Affected teeth may appear discoloured. You may develop pus-filled swellings called dental abscesses if the infection spreads. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek out a dentist and they will take X-rays of your teeth to determine the extent of the infection and whether a root canal or extraction is required.

What type of dental professional is qualified to carry out a root canal treatment?

Endodontists are dentists specialising in procedures relating to the interior of the tooth. They are trained to diagnose the source of tooth pain and carry out root canals. An endodontist will provide pain management to ensure the procedure is as pain-free and comfortable as possible. Root canal treatment is a skilled and time-consuming process requiring two or more appointments, so our endodontists are highly-trained to perform these complex procedures.

How to prepare for the treatment?

You don’t need to prepare for a root canal, though it is advisable that you eat a few hours before the procedure. You will need your strength to recover, and the numbing effect of anaesthetic will make eating uncomfortable for a few hours after the root canal. As you will be given pain relief for the procedure, you should plan to use public transport or have a friend or family member drive you home afterwards. You may wish to take an over-the counter pain relief such as Ibuprofen, which will also aid with any swelling. Antibiotics won’t affect the infection within the tooth, but they may slow the spread of the infection elsewhere.

What can you expect at your appointment?

Root canals can seem intimidating, but advances in modern dentistry have made them relatively simple and painless. While any procedure requiring access to the interior of a tooth might feel invasive, many patients are surprised at just how straightforward they are. It should not feel any more uncomfortable than having a filling done.

Your endodontist will first take a series of X-rays of the affected tooth or teeth, to help determine the extent of the damage and whether the tooth can be preserved. If the infection has already compromised the tooth, it will require extraction. If the infection is limited within the pulp, a root canal can preserve the tooth. You will be given an oral anaesthetic and may be offered sedation if required.

Your endodontist will drill through the top of the affected tooth or teeth and clean out the infected pulp within. They will then expand the root canal to prepare it for the filling. This process can take several hours and may require multiple appointments. Molars can contain multiple root canals, so they take more time to clean. If you have developed any abscesses, your dentist will drain them.

A temporary filling will be placed inside the tooth, and you will have another appointment a couple of weeks later for your dentist to check that the infection is clear. If the tooth is healthy, you can have either a permanent filling or a crown put in place. Crowns will better protect your tooth than a filling, which can form cracks over time and allow bacteria inside the tooth once again. If your tooth has become discoloured, then there are whitening options available to restore its natural colour.


Aftercare: Root canal treatment

Your restored tooth or teeth will be sore for a few days after your root canal, though it should not be as painful as before. You should take over-the-counter painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to relieve discomfort and reduce swelling. Maintain healthy dental practices such as cleaning your teeth twice daily and using mouthwash. Do not consume hard or tough foods and try not to eat too much sugary food until your treatment is complete. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol, as this can affect the healing process. Nine out of ten teeth survive for up to ten years after a root canal, however root canals are not 100% effective and it is possible that some soft tissue and bacteria gets left behind in the tooth, so contact your dentist if inflammation persists.

How much does it cost to have a root canal treatment?

After an initial consultation of £99 or more, further costs will depend on the number of teeth requiring root canals and whether you opt for a crown over a permanent filling. While a crown is more expensive, it will protect the tooth better than a filling.

Composite filling 1 surface from £115
Composite fillings 2 surfaces from £180
Composite filling 3 surfaces from £250
Amalgam from £65 – £145
Crowns from £825

Why get a root canal with Mouth Dental?

Here at Mouth Dental, we have an experienced team of dental professionals including skilled endodontists that can make your root canal as painless and stress-free as possible. Our endodontists have performed thousands of root canals and have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources to ensure you receive the very best care at a competitive price. You can be sure to find everything you need all for complete oral health under one roof at Mouth Dental.

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